Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I know everyone's schedules are not quite coordinating, but I'm sure we should be able to squirrel away a few hours sometime soon to play games.

What do ya say, gang?


satansgear said...

Im cool however, money is tight so I am not sure about being able to trip down to your side of town

artless said...

You might be able to arrange something with Bryan, provided he'd want to play games with us.

satansgear said...

Dude would have to get a hold of me than as he has my number. Otherwise any you guys gonna be in my neck of the wooods for the holidays?

artless said...

Probably. I'm going home on the 24th, but I can stick around for however long.

satansgear said...

If you guys are we could always try to hook up than as well

satansgear said...

So like we guyz playing any games while you are all in town or what

Anonymous said...

I would love to. I'll get Cody and Alex to say whether they'll want to or not.

satansgear said...

Excellent give me a jingle to let me know what is up I know I work on Sat but I think it's only till 5

Anonymous said...

Count me in gents, I'm around as usual with nothing but time.

And as a side note, Avatar just might best Inglourious Basterds as my favorite movie of this year, I mean....holy shit. James Cameron, I doubted you, but shame on me. I definitely need to it again WHO'S WITH ME????

artless said...

Maybe, but I'd rather see Sherlock Holmes first.

satansgear said...

someone needs to call and lrt me know what is up tomarrow otherwise I might be indisposed

artless said...

I believe Alex said that he works until 7:00, so we'd be playing around 8 or so if he'll be coming to join us. Otherwise, you can come on over whenever you want on Saturday. We'll hang out. It'll be cool.

satansgear said...

you at your parents house and what we playing

Alexander said...

Saturday night at 8 is acceptable by me, if that's where we're starting to lean.

satansgear said...

Josh man text me after 4 tomarrow to let me know what is up

Alexander said...

Kyle, I have a response for you, copied and pasted:

This is the ork stuff I have

26 Boyz
5 Nobz
5 Stormboyz
1 warchief
3 plastic deffkoptas

I'm asking 110 for all of those. I can negotiate a price.

As far as the damage goes, the orkz one or two are missing the backpacks it was mainly the skellies from Vampire Counts that got broken with a cat attack.

Here is my phone number if you want to text me or call me.

(630) 347 4734.

Some of the boyz are painted about 10 of them the rest is put together and not painted there are 8 that are still not put together.

and do tell him if he wants the other VC stuff I can sell it for just some extra monies.