Friday, July 24, 2009


Alright fellows, time for business. We should arrive at a time and date for commencing such revelry as we are so inclined to indulge. Perhaps some time after the highest sun on the only day named for a Roman god?

We must observe some enthusiasm for scheduling and punctuality, lest we allow ourselves another week without merriment and festivity.


Anonymous said...

Kyle said he may be busy tomorrow, and if he's not, we're likely going to be gaming with Alex C at night, so if he's not busy... the earlier we can game, the better.

artless said...


Waiting eagerly for Sirs Alexander and Bryan for their contributions to this process.

Alexander said...

I come with ill tidings, I'm afraid.

I won't return from work until five or six tomorrow. Sunday evening is the dreaded inventory night so that is out as well.

Anonymous said...

looks like a bust then

artless said...


Fouled again by the vile, aggrandizing tumor that is the retail organ and its arrhythmia! A putrid, bile-engorged device whose only purpose is to repackage trivialities, and to interject upon human life.

A cancerous gaggle of appendices with not one redeeming quality, save that it keeps mouthbreathing, cancerous growths checked and occupied with continual labor.

Have fun whiling away the hours in a soul-crushing fiefdom, a miserable landscape where your direct contributions to its community are appropriated and corrupted by your superiors and your personal achievements and spent efforts go continually unobserved. Any gain from your endeavor on behalf of the ruthless corporation is simply a red-herring; sleight of hand that, while engendering within you the transient and fleeting delight of monies to waste on baubles created by your lictor's sinister partners, only accelerates your inevitable regression toward Stockholm empathy toward the very authority that imprisons you.

I percieve your situation, and yet it is unable to elicit sympathy.

Alexander said...

Josh stands upon a stage. Next to him is a stool and a clean glass of water, untouched. There is no applause, for this is not that sort of establishment. He straightens his glasses and clears his throat, withdrawing from his pocket a small sheet of paper. The lights dim and he begins to recite his monologue. Men listen intently, while women swoon at his words.

(Had you been speaking, nobody would have noticed that typo in the last sentence.)

artless said...

What, Perceive?

Oh my days what a travasty. That I, an airudite young intelect, could make such a simple misstake.

Anonymous said...

Now you're just doing it on purpose.

satansgear said...

Dudes I am free Sat after 5 or Sun all day. Let me know what is up

Alexander said...

So Josh... Do you know how we go about getting the keys from these people or paying the first rent? And if not, can you obtain that information?

artless said...

Right; you guys wanted to move in right after the first.

Yeah, I can get the info we need tomorrow.

artless said...

One of us needs to call the manager for the building (Brett, #6194054484) and set up a time to go and get the keys; we need to get the rent to Atid beforehand.

We need to get on the rent thing pretty quick, pals. The 1st is coming up, and its a Saturday. Just so we can make a good impression we should get it in before Friday.

Alexander said...

I work Wed and Thurs 1-9. My Friday is free if we want to go get keys then. We should probably go down to Atid to hand over the rent ourselves one of these days.

Anonymous said...

We should do it Friday, getting the keys and rent. Im assuming you have to work Josh, so if you wanted you could hand your check in early, or give it to one of us or something. I don't know, it's up to you, but I'd like to pick up the keys Friday.

artless said...

If one of you wants to come by, I can give you a check.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I can stop by and pick it up tomorrow, what time would work best for you?

artless said...

Any time, really.

Were you thinking you'd want to grab the check after I get off work, and then do everything else on Friday during the day? You should make sure that Brett's going to be available.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that'd be smart. Either way we have to get the money in Friday though. I was planning on going sometime in the late morning or early afternoon. And would you want us to pick up your key too Josh?

Alexander said...

Yeah, better give him a call, and maybe see if we can just give the rent to him. Whenever you want to go tomorrow is cool with me, bro.

Anonymous said...

I talked to Brett and he said he probably won't be available tomorrow because he has to work, but he said he'd be available all day saturday.

artless said...

Okay, anyway.

When we or you guy(s) go to get the keys, we should make sure to be very, very thorough in the inspection so we don't get screwed when the lease is up.

Alexander said...

Well, still gotta deal with the rent, then.

Anonymous said...

okay the rent is in. things went well, electricity will be turned on for us. And we can get the keys tomorrow. I'm probably going to get mine before noon sometime.

Also, are we available to game tomorrow night? Kyle was wondering and I'm open to it so I was wondering fi you guys had any objections

Anonymous said...

We're all good for gaming tomorrow evening. I don't know what time, but lets just say 7? 7 sounds good.

Alexander said...

We can do Star Wars tomorrow if that is the desire of the masses.

I'm probably going to head down to get keys and give the place a once-over in the early afternoon. My ambition is to move over a lot of my junk and books and baubles tomorrow, leaving the furniture and such for a later date.