Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fitting some peices

Well after talking with Josh and such I've decided to do an installment about one of the main races in Kelba just to freshen things up abit.


Lets face it ogres far and wide are renowned for a great many things: brute strength, bad tempers, bad smells and their simplistic manners. I really wanted to change the view on them in a sense and this is waht I have so far. Mind you this is just a rough cut.

The ogres of Kelba are a feirce people. They live and die by the sword(or club), making their lives mainly as reavers and raiders. All things and all people are in their sights as the expand along the westren coasts and in small spots in the eastern crags. Huge bulking creatures they are, like a man in most ways except enlarged. Their necks are thick muscle and almost nonexsitent, their faces abit enlogated given them an animalistic apperance. And they always have greasy thick hair sprouting from their faces, wheither beard or foo man chu they are always rugged. Their skin is thick and leather akin to that of a steer, it is said that a grown man can stabbinto a ogre with a spear and the ogre will hardly flinch. Besids the grim and dust on this race they have a rather good sense of cunning and even have been quite apt at basic strategems. All to the shock of their opposition of course.

Moving to their more renowned beliefs, they are as simple as the ogres themselves, yet they have their own complexity. In the ogre culture the act of eating in itself is considered religion. They belive like many other cultures that you are what you eat. Therefor if you eat the enemy's bravest you shall inherit their bravey and so on. Simply put the gut is the focal point of ogre religion and culture. The gut symbolizes power, wealth and frankly girth. As in most culures the fatter you are the better of you are and their is no difference for it here.

Lastly a look at as of now the biggest name in all ogredom, Warmonger Gahl. Gahl is the "khan" that hold the most power in the wetern coast by the orcish city of Highwall. He has on numerous occasions taken hold of the port city only to be rpulsed shortly after. He also helped lift the rule of the Dragon Lord unwittedly when he killed and than ate one of the Dragon Lords top stratergist. This is what most believe to have given him is inert aptitiude for his stratergies as of now. As of late though he has refocused himself on "procuering" hulks to take his riaders to the pride jewl of all orcdom Blackwell, the trading capital of Kelba


Anonymous said...

There's a clause here that I'm not quite sure what you meant. This, of course, isn't any gripe for the editing, nor is it an insult or anything, but I'm having trouble with it: "This is what most believe to have given him is inert aptitiude for his stratergies as of now."

Inert isn't a quality I would apply to someone's aptitude. The word aptitude would suffice, signifying one's natural ability. If you meant that up until now his strategic capabilities were sort of marginal or negligible, then either of those would work. Inert means at rest or, more specifically, not active, which seems the opposite of your intention. Unless you meant that eating the strategist made him dumber. Whichever.

Apart from that, I appreciate this information. So I am correct in thinking them as a sort of gaggle of tribes (loosely affiliated with one another) that operate more or less separately but owe tribute or homage to a solitary ruler or khanate. It's nice to read a description of them; I picture the ogre in the 3.0 MM or a rat ogre from Warhammer. I assume that, mechanically, Ogres would fill the role that Orcs used to fill with some minor differences, while the Orcs act more along the lines of Hobgobs. Unless you intend to keep their mechanics the same, an idea that I would raise an eyebrow or two at.

satansgear said...

Ok Well I meant that eaten the stratagist basically helped him to a greter dregree. He had natural cunning and apptitude towards basic stratagems and now can do more complex things like sabotage, flanking formations in multiple directions, ect. Sorry about the bad word usage I typed it all when I got up today.

Yes pretty much they are a few loosely organized tribes under a mainly singular khanate. I was going a bit of a mix from both to say the least but I imagined the heads a bit more like those of the magi from the Dark Crystal movie. Probally more feral lokking though. And of course I will be chnaging stats around I got a few ideas for them floating around but have yet to rest on one.

And Josh do you think if you had time you could do a few concept sketches of them from the descriptors?

Anonymous said...


For Kyle.

I like the ones I did on the right, the left one not so much.

satansgear said...

I too must say the ones on the rught are more agreeable. I am particulalry found on the one in the front thinking, he really captures my general feel I think. Thanks Josh, any more questions on the ogres?

Alexander said...

So, Saturday, 9:30 is the consensus?

If you have the means, kick yourself up to level the third.

Anonymous said...

yes i suppose it is, ill be there after work