Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I've never been so happy to see Cody at his computer

My copy of Assassin's Creed 2 came in the mail today, but that's not important.

What is important is Cody clicking one of the clickiest clicks ever.

Kyle, my friend, he's been playing Diablo II.


Anonymous said...

HAI GAIZ, I'll be back in Germantown by this afternoon until Sunday.

Let teh gud timez rolllllll

artless said...


Wanna come down sometime and see our hovel?

Anonymous said...

Sure, thing is I have no idea how to get there and don't know my way around Milwaukee for shit, so I guess one of you may have to give me a ride or something :/

Alexander said...

It's easy. Get onto Mequon. Get onto 43 South, get off at Locust. Head left onto Locust, then right onto Farwell and we are the last building before Webster.

Alternatively, Brown Deer, right onto Port Washington, left onto Capitol, right onto Oakland, left onto Webster, last building before Farwell.

Anonymous said...

It REALLY is that simple.

artless said...

Yeah, get a fucking clue, asshole.


Alexander said...

Hey, dudes who play Warhammer.

I got a coworker trying to unload some of his collection. Orcs and Vampire Counts hes got.

Let me know if that catches anyone's fancy.

satansgear said...

Interested in Nobz, boyz, Stprmboyz, and deffkooptas for 40k orks let me know prices and what not and we will see what is up.

Anonymous said...


I'm heading home for Christmas break today, I'll be around until January 9th. Almost a month-long break, thank GAWD amirite??

artless said...

Sweet, brah. We can chillax and hang, eh? You know, chillax and just bro it up, you know, bro?