The next thing I would love to look at racially for kelba is the elves.

Now there are no Kelborion elves nor any nation of elves. Their time is long gone and past. The few elves that still walk the world are shrouded in mystery. Nothing is left of their cities or culture. They are only mentioned as myths and in legend. Yet the few that remain travel mysteriously, doing whatever it is they desire. Rumors run abroad that the Dragon Lord himself is one of these fabled peoples. As to what the elves look like it is said that they stand tall and majestic. Their skin seems to be a flawless white as of pure snow, their eyes of the deepest hues in nature. Each one seems to almost have a part of nature within themselves. However behind this beautiful apperance lies an iron will and a capable body. In the times of old the elves were feared for their martial prowess more than their wisdom. Indeed if it wasn't for their sudden departure form this world they could indded hold power over much of it.
Concerning the races in regard to mechanics, how would these guys fit on a spread? If you're going to be using a d20 game system, what are their stat blocks?
I have a few recommendations, but I'd like to know what your ideas are first.
I'm not to sure on that part. I have som rough points on some of them but i am not overky sure. That is one thing I would like to work on with yer help actually.
I must say I am particulary impressed with the stats. I do like that fact that the whole skill pt thing has been erased with the humans. Also I must say that I really like the stats set up for the Elves. I believe that it gives them a way better feel to them. Over all Good job man.
Yeah, the "extra skill points" deal has no real effect on balance, seeing as you're going to be putting them into your class skills, or Spot and Listen if those two aren't on your list. The free feat was also something that I wanted to rid the Humans of, because again, it's not a real choice. It's the illusion of choice. To compete with his peers, that human is going to be taking Combat Reflexes if he's not a spellcaster, or a metamagic feat if he is. But I figured that if people wanted to pick something else because they won't enter melee often enough, then by all means, they can take Improved Initiative instead. And if we're using houserules like the Tomes, then that free feat becomes a real asset instead of a minor note on your sheet.
Anyway, when are we thinking the next game will happen?
Umm, I know me and Cody work till 8 or so on Tueday together. As long as it's not the Friday or Saturday of the 22nd or 23rd, I'm good. Gotta go to a wedding and such. However I will be working till 8 or so everynight besides that.
Any chance of a game this weekend?
I have to see about my work schedule for next week since I haven't been in at all this week.
I don't know how I'm going to be feeling this weekend in any case. Recovery has been fairly good however, so maybe Sunday?
Sunday this weekend is good. Anytime during the week after is good too.
Did an alternate stat block for the Ogre. Explanation's under the heading.
I don't think I can make that on Sunday, a buddy of mines last day here is then so I kinda wanted to see him off before he goes
This whole next week save Friday, each evening is perfectly good, too.
I leave next Thursday. Which will basically leave Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday for me. Gonna spend the majority of Wednesday getting ready, so for the moment I'm not counting on that night.
I'm open wednesday night, thursday after work, and friday.
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