The orcs of Kelba are indeed a unique breed. They possess a greater understanding of the world and use their brains along with their might. Mighty warriors of fierce regard, these people also excel in the worlds of commerce and politics. Their skill has allowed them to build a vast empire of sorts, their cities are grand and full of skilled craftsmen. Most of the Kelborian coast is theirs and they are arguable the most powerful race to live on Kelba. Their trade ports and skilled warriors have won them much, however their inner politics can always turn for the worse. The Orcish clans are known for being underhanded and two-faced.
They stand about 7ft tall, without slouching. Their frames are broad and muscular with heavy torsos, and thick, broad shoulders. Long, almost boar-like tusks protrude from the bottom of their gaping jaws, and a small set of red eyes burn in their skulls. Their hair is thick and dark or entirely nonexistent. Although they may appear savage they are indeed very intelligent.
The Clans:
Clans are large groups of orcs with a particular belief held common by all members within the clan. Although a clan can be of many tribes sometimes it is merely one very large tribe. Here are the three prominent clans in orcdom now.
Clan Eye Gouger:
The last of the founding to clans to still hold power after the dragon wars, the Eye Gougers are a militaristic clan. They are a throwback in beliefs , using might more than wits. They war with the ogres in the southeastern stretch of orcish influence. Over the years they have culled the ogre numbers so only minor tribes remain. Even now they sharpen their axes to eliminate the rest of the ogres within their domain. It is this clan that has spilled the most blood out of all the remaining clans, and they aren't done yet. Under orders from the Gouger himself they have taken Olde Ingston, a fortress left in ruin, and have began to reconstruct it. They have also taken over the orcish trade town of Tempest, slaughtering all who would not join their clan. They sit poised, waiting for their chance to strike further inland.
Clan Iron Guts:
Largest of the ruling clans, Iron Guts have made their name in trade and subterfuge, using the old knife in the back if they can't acquire what they want with gold. They are the schemers and politicians of the orcs. Due to this they hold the orcish crown jewel, the trade city of Black Well. Largest and most grand of the trade cities, Black Well has contact with more outsiders than any other orc port. Due to this their craftsmen are the finest, their skill refined with trade. However when the council senses a threat this mercantile goliath can become just as deadly a force as the Eye Gougers. Be wary if you anger one if this clan, a knife in the dark won't be far behind.
Clan Stone Fist:
Perhaps the most beset of the clans, they suffer constant raid from Gahl and his ogres to the west. To the east lies Clan Iron guts looking to assimilate all their power will let them. They hold the aptly named city of High wall and have been known as survivors and defense specialists. They have felt the pains of the brief ogre occupation and it has left them bitter. When Iron guts refused to aid the beleaguered clan they had to rely only on themselves. Only recently was their High Marshall found dead killed, by Iron gut assassins. Truly they are entering a bleak time.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Fitiing the peices III
The humans of Kelba are a rough and sordid lot. Each individual and each tribe and village are different. They hold no one particular belief system or even social structure. Each tribe/village seems to have it's own set of myths and fancy [Editor's note: not exactly sure what you meant right there.] There are some myths that are accepted by many but mainly it's each for their own. The humans of Kelba tend to be short and thick shouldered. Dark, thin hair adorns their heads and blue eyes are almost unheard of. Other than that they come in a wide range and variety. Be they the grim face goat herders or the vicious horse nomads of the Kahl tu.
The Kahl tu are gonna be used as an example of a human tribe so bear with me. The vicious horse nomads of southeastern Kelba are a mysterious lot. Each one seems to be a maze of tattoos depicting their beliefs. The Kahl tu worship three different gods and show this in their markings. The spiral is the symbol of Aukee the god of fate. It is his hand that leads the Kahl tu on their way. The dots are of Ihwa, godess of war. It is her might and prowess that guides their blades. Lastly the tirangle, which represents Pesti, the three headed god of life. He is the one that shows the cycle of life the the Kahl tu. Theses nomads make the south east of Kelba their stomping grounds, from the Trade city of Tempest to the ruins of Olde Ingston they ride.
The humans of Kelba are a rough and sordid lot. Each individual and each tribe and village are different. They hold no one particular belief system or even social structure. Each tribe/village seems to have it's own set of myths and fancy [Editor's note: not exactly sure what you meant right there.] There are some myths that are accepted by many but mainly it's each for their own. The humans of Kelba tend to be short and thick shouldered. Dark, thin hair adorns their heads and blue eyes are almost unheard of. Other than that they come in a wide range and variety. Be they the grim face goat herders or the vicious horse nomads of the Kahl tu.
The Kahl tu are gonna be used as an example of a human tribe so bear with me. The vicious horse nomads of southeastern Kelba are a mysterious lot. Each one seems to be a maze of tattoos depicting their beliefs. The Kahl tu worship three different gods and show this in their markings. The spiral is the symbol of Aukee the god of fate. It is his hand that leads the Kahl tu on their way. The dots are of Ihwa, godess of war. It is her might and prowess that guides their blades. Lastly the tirangle, which represents Pesti, the three headed god of life. He is the one that shows the cycle of life the the Kahl tu. Theses nomads make the south east of Kelba their stomping grounds, from the Trade city of Tempest to the ruins of Olde Ingston they ride.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Fitting more peices
Ok so I know I said I wont have web acess till Thurday or so, but I got to borrow someones cp for a little to make this post. Fear not leave yer questions at the door and I will reply to them when my nets up again.
The next thing I would love to look at racially for kelba is the elves.

Now there are no Kelborion elves nor any nation of elves. Their time is long gone and past. The few elves that still walk the world are shrouded in mystery. Nothing is left of their cities or culture. They are only mentioned as myths and in legend. Yet the few that remain travel mysteriously, doing whatever it is they desire. Rumors run abroad that the Dragon Lord himself is one of these fabled peoples. As to what the elves look like it is said that they stand tall and majestic. Their skin seems to be a flawless white as of pure snow, their eyes of the deepest hues in nature. Each one seems to almost have a part of nature within themselves. However behind this beautiful apperance lies an iron will and a capable body. In the times of old the elves were feared for their martial prowess more than their wisdom. Indeed if it wasn't for their sudden departure form this world they could indded hold power over much of it.
The next thing I would love to look at racially for kelba is the elves.

Now there are no Kelborion elves nor any nation of elves. Their time is long gone and past. The few elves that still walk the world are shrouded in mystery. Nothing is left of their cities or culture. They are only mentioned as myths and in legend. Yet the few that remain travel mysteriously, doing whatever it is they desire. Rumors run abroad that the Dragon Lord himself is one of these fabled peoples. As to what the elves look like it is said that they stand tall and majestic. Their skin seems to be a flawless white as of pure snow, their eyes of the deepest hues in nature. Each one seems to almost have a part of nature within themselves. However behind this beautiful apperance lies an iron will and a capable body. In the times of old the elves were feared for their martial prowess more than their wisdom. Indeed if it wasn't for their sudden departure form this world they could indded hold power over much of it.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Fitting some peices
Well after talking with Josh and such I've decided to do an installment about one of the main races in Kelba just to freshen things up abit.
Lets face it ogres far and wide are renowned for a great many things: brute strength, bad tempers, bad smells and their simplistic manners. I really wanted to change the view on them in a sense and this is waht I have so far. Mind you this is just a rough cut.
The ogres of Kelba are a feirce people. They live and die by the sword(or club), making their lives mainly as reavers and raiders. All things and all people are in their sights as the expand along the westren coasts and in small spots in the eastern crags. Huge bulking creatures they are, like a man in most ways except enlarged. Their necks are thick muscle and almost nonexsitent, their faces abit enlogated given them an animalistic apperance. And they always have greasy thick hair sprouting from their faces, wheither beard or foo man chu they are always rugged. Their skin is thick and leather akin to that of a steer, it is said that a grown man can stabbinto a ogre with a spear and the ogre will hardly flinch. Besids the grim and dust on this race they have a rather good sense of cunning and even have been quite apt at basic strategems. All to the shock of their opposition of course.
Moving to their more renowned beliefs, they are as simple as the ogres themselves, yet they have their own complexity. In the ogre culture the act of eating in itself is considered religion. They belive like many other cultures that you are what you eat. Therefor if you eat the enemy's bravest you shall inherit their bravey and so on. Simply put the gut is the focal point of ogre religion and culture. The gut symbolizes power, wealth and frankly girth. As in most culures the fatter you are the better of you are and their is no difference for it here.
Lastly a look at as of now the biggest name in all ogredom, Warmonger Gahl. Gahl is the "khan" that hold the most power in the wetern coast by the orcish city of Highwall. He has on numerous occasions taken hold of the port city only to be rpulsed shortly after. He also helped lift the rule of the Dragon Lord unwittedly when he killed and than ate one of the Dragon Lords top stratergist. This is what most believe to have given him is inert aptitiude for his stratergies as of now. As of late though he has refocused himself on "procuering" hulks to take his riaders to the pride jewl of all orcdom Blackwell, the trading capital of Kelba
Lets face it ogres far and wide are renowned for a great many things: brute strength, bad tempers, bad smells and their simplistic manners. I really wanted to change the view on them in a sense and this is waht I have so far. Mind you this is just a rough cut.
The ogres of Kelba are a feirce people. They live and die by the sword(or club), making their lives mainly as reavers and raiders. All things and all people are in their sights as the expand along the westren coasts and in small spots in the eastern crags. Huge bulking creatures they are, like a man in most ways except enlarged. Their necks are thick muscle and almost nonexsitent, their faces abit enlogated given them an animalistic apperance. And they always have greasy thick hair sprouting from their faces, wheither beard or foo man chu they are always rugged. Their skin is thick and leather akin to that of a steer, it is said that a grown man can stabbinto a ogre with a spear and the ogre will hardly flinch. Besids the grim and dust on this race they have a rather good sense of cunning and even have been quite apt at basic strategems. All to the shock of their opposition of course.
Moving to their more renowned beliefs, they are as simple as the ogres themselves, yet they have their own complexity. In the ogre culture the act of eating in itself is considered religion. They belive like many other cultures that you are what you eat. Therefor if you eat the enemy's bravest you shall inherit their bravey and so on. Simply put the gut is the focal point of ogre religion and culture. The gut symbolizes power, wealth and frankly girth. As in most culures the fatter you are the better of you are and their is no difference for it here.
Lastly a look at as of now the biggest name in all ogredom, Warmonger Gahl. Gahl is the "khan" that hold the most power in the wetern coast by the orcish city of Highwall. He has on numerous occasions taken hold of the port city only to be rpulsed shortly after. He also helped lift the rule of the Dragon Lord unwittedly when he killed and than ate one of the Dragon Lords top stratergist. This is what most believe to have given him is inert aptitiude for his stratergies as of now. As of late though he has refocused himself on "procuering" hulks to take his riaders to the pride jewl of all orcdom Blackwell, the trading capital of Kelba
Monday, August 4, 2008
Not to detract from Kyle's post, but I've just finished something I hope will make things less cluttered around here. Not that they were, but I was bored and wanted to snazz up the presentation of our work.
I've decided to use Google Pages to divide the content we create or discuss to two categories; content that is finalized for our home games, and content still in production. Content still undergoing discussion or creation should be posted here, on the blog. Content that is finalized for use in a campaign can be uploaded to the website so it'll have pretty headings and neat-o formatting.
In the future I'd like to use the blog for ideating for new material, general discussion, and for getting schedule updates. I've upped a couple of my posts to the site with some minor revisions, so please refer to that from now on when looking for my completed work. I can easily add in any content you guys want added, or, if you want, make a page using their new Sites service that works like a wiki, so you can upload your own content. I'll add a link to the "Affiliated Sites" sidebar for easy access.
UPDATE: I decided to get a lead on things before Google ends their support for Pages and moves things over to Sites. I made a new Site, and I'll be adding you guys as authors. Remember, I'd like the Site to be a place for finished work or background information, cordoned off from our development on the blog.
You can visit the site here.
I've decided to use Google Pages to divide the content we create or discuss to two categories; content that is finalized for our home games, and content still in production. Content still undergoing discussion or creation should be posted here, on the blog. Content that is finalized for use in a campaign can be uploaded to the website so it'll have pretty headings and neat-o formatting.
In the future I'd like to use the blog for ideating for new material, general discussion, and for getting schedule updates. I've upped a couple of my posts to the site with some minor revisions, so please refer to that from now on when looking for my completed work. I can easily add in any content you guys want added, or, if you want, make a page using their new Sites service that works like a wiki, so you can upload your own content. I'll add a link to the "Affiliated Sites" sidebar for easy access.
UPDATE: I decided to get a lead on things before Google ends their support for Pages and moves things over to Sites. I made a new Site, and I'll be adding you guys as authors. Remember, I'd like the Site to be a place for finished work or background information, cordoned off from our development on the blog.
You can visit the site here.
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