Wednesday, June 24, 2009


For your consideration: The Tag System.

It's still a draft, but there it is. Now all that's left is to write the powers. Want to help?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A long time ago in a galaxy etc. etc.

I'll just leave this here.

Setting: The Dark Times, at about roughly 2 years before the Battle of Yavin. The Empire under Emperor Palpatine is at its strongest, and his feared second-in-command, Lord Darth Vader, ensures that resistance is quickly and efficiently stamped out. The Rebel Alliance is just beginning to take shape under the leadership of Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Garm Bel Iblis. Force-users are few and far between and the concept of a Jedi Knight has been relegated to the stuff of folktales and legends.


Humans, Aleena, Aqualish, Arkanians, Balosar, Barabel, Blood Carvers, Bothans, Caamasi, Cathar, Cereans, Chagrians, Chiss, Clawdites, Codru-Ji, Draethos, Droids, Duros, Falleen, Feeorin, Gamorreans, Gand, Gran, Gungans, Houk, Ithorians, Kel Dor, Khil, Klatooinian, Miraluka, Mon Calamari, Nagai, Neimodians, Nosaurians, Quarren, Rodians, Ryn, Selkath, Snivvians, Sullustans, Talz, Togorians, Togruta, Toydarians, Trandoshans, Twi'leks, Ubese, Weequay, Whiphids, Wookiees, Wroonians, Yarkora, Zabrak, Zeltron


Jedi - Defenders of peace and justice in the civilized galaxy for centuries. Until the Dark Times, when the Emperor hunted down and destroyed the Jedi Knights. However, they say a light burns brightest when within the darkness and it would be impossible to hunt down every Force-sensitive sentient within the galaxy. Examples of the Jedi class include Bastila Shan, Quinlan Vos, Anakin Skywalker, and Jax Pavan.

Noble - Shrewd characters who depend on their intelligence and natural charisma rather than on blaster bolts or vibroblades. A noble commands respect and influences others. Born leaders, they are well versed in rhetoric and organization, whether they are honest and noble or perhaps treacherous and sly. Examples of the Noble class include Princess Leia Organa, Talon Karrde, Mas Amedda, and Jabba the Hutt.

Scoundrel - The scum and villainy in the universe. They live on the fringe of society or even right in the heart of it, living by their wits and whatever credits they can scrape up. They're not above firing a concealed blaster, but if they can use their silver tongues to get by, they'll gladly sheathe the vibroblade. No sense in getting yourself hurt when there's credits to be made, right? Examples of the Scoundrel class include Han Solo, Cade Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, and Atton Rand.

Scout - Natural adventurers and explorers. They'll sign on when the credits are good and when they can make full use of their skills. The scout's instincts are to be trusted above all else. If the scout is running, chances are that you should be, too. They can survive in any environment, and have an affinity for bravely and confidently exploring the unknown. Examples of the Scout class include Chewbacca, Jarael, Captain Tarpals, and Jariah Syn

Soldier - Hired guns, noble champions, or cold-hearted killers. The soldier combines a natural discipline with martial skills to become a pure combatant. Whether they fight for glory, for credits, or for a cause they believe in, they see the dangerous adventures and military engagements as their jobs. Whatever their motivation, all soldiers live for the thrill of combat. Examples of the Soldier class include Wedge Antilles, Corran Horn, Kyle Katarn, and Captain Rex.

Starting Level - 4th
Starting Credits - 2000
Ability Scores - Roll 4d6, ignore lowest, reroll ones, gain two ability point increases for being 4th level

EDIT: Goddamn Blogger and your stupid stupid gay bullshit HTML assfuckery. Maybe you cunts should just let me make my goddamn post anyway I want. Everything should look decent now. Also I apologize for Wookiepedia having gigantic ads all over the site.