Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Perswell Port

The party left Perswell with intent to solve the problems to the south of the city, in the valleys of grapes and apples. After a journey that brought them to the vineyard of the Daercag family, they laid down a plan to investigate the cause of the disturbances. Surveying the damage to the farmland and equipment used in harvest, and eying some odd tracking across the aisles of vines, they took their search into the wooded hillsides of the valley. There they were assailed by a group of sappers; creatures attuned to the Mana of the woods resembling shrubs that sprouted legs. In no time at all, they had dispatched their aggressors, burning and hacking them to ashen splinters. 

Feeling they left one partially alive, as far as they knew, they descended from the hills and decided to see if the thing had anything to do with the attacks on the vineyards. They fetched a wagon from Daercag's sheds, and made journey to a small village to the west named Ubhaltuit, or Applefall. Seeking the help of a local witch they believed could translate the language of the half-dead sapper, they met with Hilfard, a scholar of the woodlands. She proved incapable of decoding the sappers words, but brought the party through a breaking of the Mortal plane to a town (in the same place as Applefall) on the Falling Leaves plane. A moss spirit proved capable of helping the group. He told them of the sapper and its fellow's deeds, as well as their supposed location in a realm of eternal wilt. Hilfard gave them a carved stone idol she said they could use to bridge the gap between the Mortal world and the place of wilting, provided they locate the place they overlap.

They searched the hills of Daercag's valley, around the area they were attacked, and soon the one called Roth spotted the connection. On a pair of dead trees, ancient letters were carved to form sentences across the two of them, forming a rune-circled doorway. They used the idol, allowing its ancient magic to warp the land around them to that of the Wilt. Into the muck and rot they ventured, toward what they thought might be the sapper's base for their attacks. For all they knew, however, the entire plane was against them. Trees would twist and strain into unnatural positions after being seen in another, and the wet earth seemed to swallow them with every step. Surprise took them, however, when they finally found semblance of their quarry. Outside the mouth of a cave, they saw a gathering of several sappers. They were in a sleep of sorts, and Paola suggested taking them by surprise.  Even a perfect plan would've been ruined, however, as it seemed the corpses of men and orcs rose out of the spoiled earth and upset a fair number of our heroes. Salu, in particular, for as he was cutting the risen corpses of those claimed by this forest down with spells and steel, he was overwhelmed and only with the help of his fellows was he able to make it out with his life and dignity intact.

The party finished off the last of their enemies with a few brutal attacks, and turned their attentions to the cave. Using the sword dropped by the mad mage who attacked Gangkou as a light, they made their way into the dark, wet tunnel. It seemed like the entrance to a small mining operation, carved into fickly shifting earth. Their steps took them to a cavern with sure signs of resource collection, with carts laden with chunks of earth and switchback pathways extending down into a deep chasm. Veins of a magical, plum-colored ore pulsed with an eerie light from cracks in the earth, surrounded by chunks of the wall blasted out by the violently rapid growth of magical plants. A winch started to wind up a thick chain across the gap, causing a large crane extended halfway out to their side to sound with a great rattling. The group hid themselves behind the mining equipment. Upon a rising platform some 40 feet across stood the enormous creature, what must have been the one to destroy the valley: The Catoblepas.

Accompanied by a group of sappers who held onto long chains attached to hooks in the Catoblepas' hide, it must have been brought up for another foray into the valley. However, before the platform could fully rise level with the dock at the top of the mine, the ever-enterprising Raquim let fly a fiery ball to burn the ropes that kept the platform attached to the large chain along the crane. The sappers panicked, and leapt off the platform. The Catoblepas' panic was far more destructive, for as it was pelted with magical and mundane attacks from the party, it broke its restraints and hurled itself onto the dock, dragging the platform after it. The party fought with the sappers as the Catoblepas splintered a large wooden doorway, charging out of the mine with a great force.

They killed the sappers, with some falling into the chasm. They left the mine to chase after the Catoblepas, and saw the results of its hysteria as the trail to follow. Soon finding themselves in a settlement torn apart by the rampaging Catoblepas, the stalwart Paola challenged the beast by hurling a ball of muck at its haunches. It swung itself around, and charged at the party. They drew upon some unknown reserve of power, and it was dead in seconds.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Bit of info

For those you you that wish to know someting more about the world that my idea takes place in here we go.

The town of Ludvid is a border town on the outskirts of the empire. It is here that the illness is origanating. The town is full of fear over this plauge. People try to live out their lives as best they can, but the people of Ludvid are a shadwo fo their former selves.. The fear of getting ill lingers in their every thought. To this end the Count who owns these lands senses the danger of letting this plauge spread and has quaratened the village. He has also set about finding men to help him solve this problem. For if this plauge was allowed to spread who knows what devastation itcould bring.

For those of you interested more in what the empire is like allow me to ellaborate. It is a collective of several different territories and races. Obviously led by the emperor himself. A man that is legend to never age and has been around for over 100 years. Few poeple ever truly see him not even his vassels have layed eyes upon him. His goal is for total unification of the land and to bring with that unifacation, learning, prosperity and justice. At this time his armies lie dormate in the northern reaches of the empire and he focuses on his eastern front. Where he plans on stopping the costal elven raiders there.

That's about it for now. If I think of more I'll edit the post unless we meet before than.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Setting the Scene

As I was told that this idea needs some more umph behind it, I will now set up the opening scene to pique your interest.

The room brigthens as a servant lights the candles in the study. He motions for the men gathered in the room to make themselves at home. He pours the men wine, hands them a pamphlet, and exits the room. The men gathered around begin to examine the parchment.

As you requested, Sir, I have examied the bodies of those with the illness both live and departed. When one contracts this illness their very lives are stripped away. The subject becomes lethargic and non-responsive. Shortly after contracting the disease, the subject's body breaks out into a severe rash. Within two or three days, their skin begins to flake and tear, while the subject vomits vile, blackish ichor. Shortly after this period of purging the subject dies in agony. 
Now, Sir, this is the part that leads us to our current problem. About an hour after death the subject seems to reanimate. No amount of rational thought remains and they lash out at any within reach. As instructed by Captain Tweed, the bodies are put in the "Section" and promptly burned. However, there are many villagers that refuse to let us do this, which only adds to our problems, sire. Hopefully, your team comes to help us soon.
Your humble servant,

The men all sit around in the study, each lost in their own thoughts, only now fully understanding what the Count has asked of them. Just then the door opens and the servant beckons them to proceed into the Count's private chambers...