Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Soapbox - Updates


First off, I've gone through and edited some of the pages on the site, though some unfinished portions are still in their working stages. Some of the pages I worked on are Agartha>Religion (upload, basically porting over the wisemen post) Agartha>Agartha and the Planes (minor edits and a short blurb), and SAME Information (reworked some things, uploaded edited sheet.) I'm going to re-tool the site's structure so that important pages can be accessed quickly, like the SAME stuff or your character pages. At the moment, it takes a couple clicks, and there's only one page that links them.

At present, I'm a bit busy with schoolwork, but I'm working on the writeup for the continents and sub-continents, and I'm looking to finish the Religions section soon. I'm still not done with the new character sheets, but what I've got left for it should be relatively quick to do. After that is finishing the Magic page, and then uploading other sections I'm still roughing out.

If you have matters you want to speak about, edit this post or comment.

EDIT: Link to possible games for the weekend: Here.